Author Topic: "Emergency Nap Syndrome" and similar....  (Read 15413 times)


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"Emergency Nap Syndrome" and similar....
« on: January 12, 2017, 05:40:58 pm »
"Emergency Nap Syndrome" - Paul M. may have invented the term.

I have a lot of tidying up to do.  I was barely thinking about it, and not worrying about it.  All of a sudden, I have to take a nap!
I guess I'm worrying/procrastinating unconsciously/subconsciously (?), and that "hit" me, and caused me to nap all of a sudden.
This has happened now and then.

I'm unable to catch a lot of thoughts that may make me depressed too - they're beneath the surface, and very brief.


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Re: "Emergency Nap Syndrome" and similar....
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2017, 05:47:31 pm »
Kind of similar to the above, if I have to get up early to do something special, I often wake up too early, and can't get back to sleep......then I end up not doing the "something special."   >:(

I meant to go to bingo today at 4:00.....possibility of meeting LOL's (Little Old Ladies :-*).  Got up too early, couldn't get back to sleep.  My unconscious or subconscious is sabotaging me?

Didn't go to bingo.....many LOL's :-* there wondering:  "Where's that hot guy with the million hangups?"



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Re: "Emergency Nap Syndrome" and similar....
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2017, 11:53:19 am »
Hello Peter. I don't know if I invented that saying or not, I have certainly used it in the past.  I used to help run charity bingos and from what I've seen of the LOL's at bingo I won't worry about any of my hang up's being visible at bingo. I'd worry about accidentally disturbing them when they are trying to concentrate on the next number.  I've seen fights break out in bingo halls. 

 After bingo they may be wondering where that hot guy was.

 Of course I know that you are only going because of the large number of older ladies that wear glasses, just kidding.

 In regards to sleep or lack there of, it can be a real problem. I'm experimenting right now (with my pdoc) to see what I can take to make me get a better night's sleep with out leaving me groggy in the morning. So far I've tried melantoin: didn't work, some other non prescription med: didn't work, clonazepam left me feeling groggy the next day, low dose amitriptyline (an antidepressant) wasn't consistent enough and now low dose clonidine(a heart medication with relaxation properties) and it seems to be helping.

 I hope that you make it to the next bingo, there is nothing sadder than seeing a little old lady losing at bingo and then realizing that the man of her dreams isn't their either :).  Take Care. paul m P.S.

 Also it's winter time and I can sleep 24/7 at times if I don't eat properly, exercise enough etc etc. And a sudden urge to take a nap can certainly over whelm a person.  Doesn't make sense, some days I can't sleep , some days I can't wake up .



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Re: "Emergency Nap Syndrome" and similar....
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2017, 07:17:07 am »

 "Also it's winter time and I can sleep 24/7 at times if I don't eat properly, exercise enough etc etc. And a sudden urge to take a nap can certainly over whelm a person.  Doesn't make sense, some days I can't sleep , some days I can't wake up "....
I do not get enough sleep and can drop at a hats notice!   My friend thought I had narcolepsy as one time I fell asleep watching a tribute band to Abba. We were in second row!!!  I'm still in shock this happened to me! 


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Re: "Emergency Nap Syndrome" and similar....
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2017, 04:47:37 pm »
Hi Peter, Paul and Paula,

For probably more than 10 years or more  I have on most days have had an afternoon nap. I don't know when I exactly figured out that I needed that. It may range from an hour to two hours depending how tired I am. Sometimes due to social events I have had  to miss my nap. I really pay for it the next day. I have said no to many social events since they were held in the afternoon.

Some people cannot understand why I have these naps. They think I am lazy. I have said to my family I turn into a monster when I don't have these naps. I can become very irritable, angry and say things I will regret later. I think I started to need these naps when I had to take more psychiatrict drugs and others for my health problems.

Once in awhile now I have trouble sleeping at night. Probably from worrying. Generally now though I pass out at night. I am more tired now than ever probably due to my general health. I am not complaining. It just seems to be a fact.
I am on a 1/2 tablet of seroquel for sleeping. Any more than that and I feel like a zombie in the morning.



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Re: "Emergency Nap Syndrome" and similar....
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2017, 09:40:36 pm »
Hi, Dragonfly.....Your napping isn't a big deal.  I've met other people who do the same thing, and they aren't sure why.

Paul, I was told there may be more LOL's  :-* at the 10:00 a.m. (!) bingo...maybe the 1:00 p.m. too.

Re sleeping, I got this sleep enhancing bulb (used by NASA) from the Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue....the world's most interesting catalogue!
I haven't used it yet.


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Re: "Emergency Nap Syndrome" and similar....
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2017, 10:36:30 pm »
Different topic -

I'm depressed lately because I was thinking the other day how I'm "sick of thinking about myself/my problems all day long."  I've thought this before.

Today, I'm still depressed, but doing a million little things I've been putting off, like posting about the sleep enhancing light bulb above.

Funny how life works.  I'm depressed, but being productive all of a sudden. 



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Re: "Emergency Nap Syndrome" and similar....
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2017, 01:07:30 am »
Hello Peter. I was a little doubtful about the sleep enhancing light bulb but I went to consumer report and indeed it does work 

 According to the article there is even a LED light that promotes being awake and alert but at $70 bucks US I'll let someone else try it first .  If you want to find out about the party LED light, you will have to read the article your self.  Perhaps bring some LOL over from bingo and give the party LED a whirl. However they recommend for best results to install several and they are $99 bucks US each, so it may be a lot cheaper to go to early morning bingo.  Take Care. paul m

 Hello Dragonfly. My life is one big nap. I seldom can sleep more than 4-5 hrs and so I have a nap or two to compensate (or three LOL).  I've been known to be less than pleasant when I don't get enough sleep . Take Care. paul m