MDAO Research Advisory Committee (MRAC)

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At the recent Annual General Meeting for the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario, a poll of our membership identified that a majority of our members believe in the importance of research and would like to see an increasing involvement of the organization in such projects.

As a result of this feedback, we are launching the Mood Disorders Research Advisory Committee (MRAC) to help guide and advise on research related activities in the organization.  This committee will include 8 members throughout the province representing individuals and families living with mood disorders, as well as community stakeholders. We would like to invite invitations to join the MRAC by reading the attached Terms of Reference, and submitting a membership application which will ask a series of questions regarding your interest and experience.  The MDAO will review these applications and select members for the committee.

If you are interested in this exciting new project, please read the attached Terms of Reference and application form which provides a general description of members’ roles and responsibilities. Please email your completed application to no later than Jan 17th 2014.

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